Dr Bronwyn Clare Stocks   Bronwyn

Dr Stocks brings to the Resource Unit an extensive knowledge of medieval and early renaissance Italian manuscript illumination and text, late medieval devotional practices, liturgical and para-liturgical literature, as well as medieval and renaissance art history. Dr Stocks's doctoral research on the textual content, illustration and early development of the Italian book of hours involved extensive first-hand examination and analysis of a large number of manuscripts in collections in national and international collections. She is now in a position to undertake further work on manuscripts in Australian and New Zealand collections, in particular, a rare late 14th century Italian book of hours in the State Library of South Australia. She has also worked with Professor Emeritus Margaret Manion on Italian Choirbooks; undertaking research in Florence, Parma, and Bologna on an ARC funded project. There is a group of Italian choirbooks in Australian collections that warrant additional work and Dr Stocks is keen to pursue this area further.
Dr Stocks has accumulated 17 years experience teaching medieval and renaissance art history and incorporates this knowledge within her manuscript research; placing a high priority on the place of manuscript illumination, text and use within the broader context of devotional and social history and comparative artistic developments. She also teaches an art history unit annually at Monash University's Centre in Prato, Italy, and that allows her regular access to Italian research collections.
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